News & Insights


What the 2016 Elections Mean for the Pharmaceutical and Device Industries

This election season thus far has been anything but typical and promises to be unpredictable right up to November 8. From the presidential contest to congressional elections to various state ballot initiatives, we will examine the very real consequences of various outcomes on Election Day, as they would impact the healthcare sector, and specifically the pharmaceutical and device industries. Experts in our Government Advocacy & Public Policy and FDA & Life Sciences Groups will examine:

  • What are the issues and topics, such as drug pricing, that are likely to continue to drive campaigns? Will they have any lasting impact for those elected to govern?
  • What would we expect the major policy changes to be under a President Trump or President Clinton?
  • What is the outlook for the House and Senate elections, and what might that bring in terms of interaction with a President Clinton or President Trump?
  • What is the outlook for the pharmaceutical and device industries in the near future, and for the Affordable Care Act with a new President?

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Event Details

Date: September 20, 2016

Time: 8:00 pm