News & Insights


June 29, 2023

Journal of Antitrust Enforcement Selects Salomé Cisnal de Ugarte to serve on its Editorial Board

BRUSSELS, June 29, 2023 — The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement (JAE) has selected King & Spalding partner Salomé Cisnal de Ugarte to serve on its Editorial Board. The JAE relies on the board members for insight into the legal trends affecting antitrust and competition enforcement around the world.

Cisnal de Ugarte is a partner in the firm’s Brussels office and heads the Antitrust & Competition practice in Europe. She provides strategic and legal advice to companies and investors in complex competition matters, with a particular emphasis on EU and multijurisdictional merger control, antitrust investigations and State aid. She represents clients before the European Commission, national competition authorities and the European Courts.

The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement provides a platform for leading scholarship public and private competition law enforcement, at both domestic and international levels.